Abstracts & Proceedings
Abstracts & Submission
Important Dates
- Late abstracts accepted until April 30th, 2024
- Symposium Dates: May 16-17, 2024
Information to authors: please find below the guidance and deadlines for abstract submission.
Submission Guidelines
- The abstract should be submitted in English
- The abstract should not exceed one page in length
- Use Times New Roman font, 12-point size, with 1-inch margins
- Submit the abstract as a PDF file by email to: info@digitwinhealth2024.eu
- Approved abstracts will become available on a dedicated section on the Symposium’s website
Abstract Template
Click the button to download the abstract template.
Important Instructions for Poster Presentation
Poster Highlights: Thursday, May 16th, 2024- 15:30
Poster presenters are invited to present two (2) slides, including the title and affiliation slides, in 1 minute, highlighting the key messages of their poster. Each presenting team should send the slides to the Organizers (info@digitwinhealth2024.eu) by May 6th, 2024. The list of posters and presentation order will become available in the final version of the Symposium’s program.
Printed poster session: Thursday, May 16, 2024 – 16:00
Posters should be printed on A0 paper, portrait orientation at legible font size. While there is no restriction to font size, font 26-34 pts for the main text body is highly recommended.
Abstract booklet
Submitted abstracts will be included in a specially designed abstracts and proceedings booklet to be uploaded on the Symposium’s website and also included in a designated Symposium’s usb.